Friday, January 31, 2020

Ethics Program for Nonprofit Management Consulting Services Essay Example for Free

Ethics Program for Nonprofit Management Consulting Services Essay Our clients are placing a high level of trust in us and we must honor that commitment by ensuring no confidential information is disseminated outside our company or to those inside the company who may have a conflict of interest. Above all else we will be professional with our clients and work to the best of our ability to provide them with unrivaled service. Since we specialize in working with nonprofit companies the majority of clients we work with will have an Ethical Code as well. When available we will take their Code of Ethics into account for any work we will be doing where we act on their behalf. Since we work with many nonprofit and volunteer based organizations we encourage everyone to volunteer and donate time as they see fit with the following guidelines; 1) Volunteering will not be done to curry favor with the business before they are a client. 1) Volunteering will not be done during an active consulting project with the company you are consulting with. 2) It is up to you to determine if volunteering for one of our clients will result in a conflict of interest. Training Program All New-Hire employees will receive a minimum of Four (4) hours of Ethics training during their first week with the company. At a minimum the following will be covered; 1) Code of Conduct 1) Actual ethical situations that have arisen with the company in the past a. Bribes / Gifts b. Conflicts of Interest c. Relationships with Clients 2) Who to talk to if an ethical situation or question arises d. Owners e. Ethics Point Hotline At the end of the training you should be able to understand the following items (Ferrell, Fraedrich amp; Ferrell, 2008); 1) Recognize Situations that might require ethical decision making 1) Understand the values and culture of the organization ) Evaluation the impact of your ethical decisions on the company 3) The difference between your ethical values and those of the companies. During your training if you have any suggestions to add or have ethical situations you’d like to discuss please do not hesitate to bring it up with the trainer. We understand that everyone has had experiences in personal life and when working with other companies. Those experiences can help us expand and improve upon on our existing training and update our Code of Conduct as required. Training Program – Yearly Refresher At a minimum of once a year, the entire company will convene for an Ethical Situations Round Table. Topics will include newsworthy stories of other companies and any closed ethical issues within the company. This is a time not only to discuss ethical situations but to work as a group in finding the ideal solution to how the company should handle similar issues. We want to be a step ahead and be prepared for events that could affect the company. Reporting/Monitoring of Discussing an Ethical Situation During your time with the company you may run into situations that you would like guidance on. The Owners of the company have an open door policy for talking about these issues. It is better to talk about them before they happen than after they happen though. The Owners will work with you on the situation for the best outcome for the company. They are invested in the company and ensuring the company makes ethical decisions ensures long term growth and profitability. Alternatively we have contract with Ethics Point to provide a hotline for reporting or discussing ethical situations if you do not feel comfortable talking with the owners about the situation in question. Your call to Ethics Point (Hotline Reporting -, 2012) will be confidential but information about the situation will be reported to the owners so they can work through the situation. The company also leverages Microsoft Exchange for monitoring E-mails of all Employees to proactively deal with potential ethical issues that may arise while working with our clients. Due to this type of monitoring we highly recommend that personal issues are not dealt with using your business e-mail address. Investigating Ethical Issues or Situations The company has contracted with Ethics Point to handle the investigation of any serious Ethical situations. Due to the nature of Ethics Violations it can be a conflict of interest in our small company if the Employees or Owners were tasked with these investigations. We also do not want to create a hostile atmosphere during or after the investigation. During an investigation your cooperation with Ethics Point is required. Failure to cooperate with the Investigation will lead to disciplinary actions that may include termination of employment. Disciplinary Action for Ethics Violations While we hope that we are able to provide you with enough training, reinforcement and the cultural atmosphere to be able to avoid an ethical issue, it does happen. Violations of the Code of Conduct will be handled by the CEO with recommendations from Ethics Point if they are if they are handling the case. Action will be based on the following items: 1) Damage of reputation or character of the company 2) Loss of Clients 3) Actions taken by the company to remedy the situation Action taken will be one or more of the following: 1) Additional Ethics Training 2) Leading one of the Yearly Ethical Discussions 3) Volunteer time with the Nonprofit of your choice 4) Time off w/ out Pay or use of vacation 5) Transfer of Account(s) to another consultant 6) Termination of Employment Reviewing and Improving our Ethical Culture At the end of each year after the yearly discussions all aspects of the Ethics code will be reviewed and updated as required. With the ever changing business environment and new situations that are constantly popping up in the media it becomes mandatory that we do our best to keep the Ethics program relevant. With all things relating to the Ethics Program we encourage feedback and suggestions throughout the year, not just at the yearly meeting. All suggestions received throughout the year will be discussed by the owners frequently and any changes to the program will be made. The ethics program belongs just as much the Company as it does the employee. The employees will rely on it as a frame of reference for how to work through difficult situations and the company will rely on it to guide the employees in their daily activities. If the company is successful the employees will be successful. In addition to the yearly meetings and annual review of the Ethics Program, every 3 years Ethics Point will audit the program and supply recommendations that may be implemented.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Internet :: essays research papers

Right now I'm thinking about the Internet, the all-pervasive medium through which I've published my thoughts and work I've done in my free time for several years now. Like mostly everyone else, I communicate with others using the Internet, play games through it, read news, and learn about things. (Except, sadly, I am not convinced the general public is interested in learning.) And we are all familiar with the "dot com mania" and the insane rise in the NASDAQ - and, sadly, the subsequent fall of the NASDAQ. People have been wondering exactly what was behind all of this, and if the Internet - which once seemed so enticing - is now bogus. "What we are entering is a power age, and the importance of the power age lies in its ability, rightly used with the wage motive behind it, to increase and cheapen production so that all of us may have more of this world's goods. The way to liberty, the way to equality of opportunity, the way from empty phrases to actualities, lies through power" - Henry Ford Here's something which should not be news: the entire .com insanity was a crock from the start! That's right - the entire New Economy was founded on delusions and misinformation all along. But just as people were overzealous then, they are overly pessimistic now (at the time of this writing). The Internet is not intrinsically a crock. But the general public got a taste of what the Internet can do, and warped and distorted it into a magical cure-all for all of life's problems. The Internet cannot produce material objects; only industry can. The Internet can near-instantaneously transport information from any location to any location, but it cannot transport atoms. And while information is fun and happy, many other things we enjoy (such as books (for now), pizza, and computers!) are made of heavy, sluggish atoms. Throwing up a web site does not automatically mean instant wealth, nor does a name that ends in ".com". This has always been true, and will continue to be true (for a while...), but for a short time most everyone deluded themselves into believing the exact opposite. And even technically knowledgeable people (such as myself, and many others who knew what the Internet was before everyone and his uncle came onto the scene) were caught up in the hysteria, because the Internet is indeed really cool, and it seemed it was the time when everyone was becoming aware of that fact too.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Police Organization Essay

History of Police September 05, 2013 Throughout this essay the writer will be discussing the history of the police. Describing the impact that a gentleman named Sir Robert Peel had on American policing. A look at the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United States. Lastly how these relationships may affect police practices today. As we begin lets first get an understanding for what a police organization is defined as. â€Å"The police are a constituted body of persons empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property, and limit civil disorder. â€Å" (â€Å"The Role and Responsibilities of the Police†, 2009) A police organizations role is usually defined as an agency within a defined legal or territorial area of responsibility using a legitimized use of force. Policing can be traced all the way back to ancient china. In didn’t start becoming more popular in the U.S until the late 18th century where the rich to protect property used it. As soc ieties developed policing began to transform into a group of appointed men to safe haven or monitor set areas such as towns or cities. Eventually it became the full fledge state and city appointed agencies that we know today. In 1829, a gentleman by the name of Sir Robert Peel established the Metropolitan Police Force for London based Scotland Yard. Doing this crowned him the father of modern policing. At first his theory and implementation of a police force was not accepted amongst London’s society. As time progressed and crime rates began to lower do to the police presence more and more cities across the UK began establishing their own police agencies. Sir Robert also developed what is called Peelian Principles which defined the ethical requirements of a police officer in order for them to be successful. These principles outlined that, â€Å"1. Every police officer should be issued and identification number, to assure accountability for his actions. 2. Police are effective not measured on the number of arrests, but on the lack of crime. 3.Effective authority figure knows trust and accountability are paramount.† (â€Å"The Invention of Peel’s Principles: A study of policing’ textbook†, 2006) When it comes to the U.S. government and the policing organizations their relationships often intertwine but can cause conflict as well. The police have a se t of laws, guidelines, and jurisdictions that they  must abide by. Based on city and state these roles may vary. U.S. government organizations or federal law enforcement agencies have a completely separate role that they play. The conflict can occur when jurisdictions and different criminal cases my cause confusion on which level of organization should be the ones handling it. Often times cases are help at the local police level until it reaches a certain degree at which point federal law enforcement steps in. As well U.S. constitution and political policies often impact police organizations. This relationship can almost be described as a love and hate relationship. In one case the U.S Government is making choices that it believes will be the best interest of the society. While on the other hand the police who have feet on the ground and actually see what is going on in society can beg to differ in regards to U.S. policy. At the end of the day thought it’s the police organization that must adapt and be mindful of every changing policies and procedures set in place by politicians. Throughout this paper the writer briefly covered the history of policing. We looked at some of the influences that starte d and paved the path for police organizations today. The impact Sir Robert Peel played. The role between the U.S. government and police organizations. Lastly how these roles may impact each other. The police at the city level are just one small element of vast security forces in the United States. Briefly looking at the just the roles the police play in the United States and not the various police forces and practices throughout the world. After the events of September, 11 the U.S. has sense stood up many various forms of Homeland Security and police type forces to help protect the United States. References 1. â€Å"The Role and Responsibilities of the Police†, 2009 2. â€Å"The Invention of Peel’s Principles: A study of policing’ textbook†, 2006 Week 1 Individual Paper # 1 Content and Organization 70 Percent| Percent Earned: 7/7| Comments:| All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. * Paper is 700- 1050 words in length. * Paper defines issues that show the authors understanding of the concepts. * Paper follows the theme of the  topic of the perception of Organized Crime. | | Minimum word count is met; the papers word total is 687 words.Your paper defines the contribution made by the people before an established law enforcement body and the contributions by Sir Robert Peel. Author’s current position and recommendations are described in detail. Points are supported with referenced citations. Your paper pointed out the importance of the main ideas and the key points that were established. You went down the line and answered each element. | The content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive.| | | The paper develops a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate audience.| | | The paper links theory to relevant examples of Organized Crime and the vocabulary of the issue correctly.| | | Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically. Target points to be discussed. * Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing. * Analyze the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United States. * Explain how this relationship may affect police practices.| | | Organization / Development 15 Percent| Percent Earned 1.5/1.5| Comments: | Paragraph transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper.| | You have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion present.Overall, paper is clear and easy to follow. The tone of the essay is appropriate for formal academic writing.Introduction establishes author’s position and introduces issues that are important and need to be planned for in a critical incident. | The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. | | | Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentences are well-constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.| | | Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.| | | The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.| | | The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.| | | Mechanics 15 Percent| Percent Earned .9/1.5| Comments: | The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices, follow APA guidelines for format.| | Your Title Page meets the APA requirements.Citations did not meet APA format. (-.3) No grammar errors. Your reference page was not in APA format. (-.3) No spelling errors. | Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines. | | | The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.| | | Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.| | | Spelling is correct.| | | Total 94 Percent| Points Earned 9.4/10| Comments:|

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Debatable Issue of Information Privacy on the Internet

Information privacy debate - A2069336 Is the information on internet private? Do employers have a right to access employee information on social media? Why or Why not? Information on the internet is there for public scrutiny. Take for instance some of the information that is posted on ones social networking sites profile like work and education, place of residence, relationship and family, contact information, birthday, sex, and relationship status. These pieces of information can be easily accessed by your friends and friends friends. Besides much information can be found on people when googled. Employers do have a right to access employee information on social media. The information obtained from this media can be used in hiring and retention decisions. Social media contains a lot of publicly available information that can be used to evaluate current and potential employers. To guard against lawsuits that relate to negligent hiring and retention it is only practical that employers scrutinize whoever they want to employ using social media (Elzweig Peeples, 2009). However, care has to be taken to guard against liability for invading privacy of their current or potential employees. Many social networking sites have privacy settings that only allow your friends or friends friends to access information about you. With default privacy settings, everybody, including potential employers, is capable of getting crucial information on their would-be employees andShow MoreRelatedEssay on Internet Privacy1325 Words   |  6 PagesInternet Privacy It has become a sad and upsetting fact that in today’s society the truth is that the right to one’s privacy in the I.T (information technological) world has become, simply a joke. 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